With an armload of books, a servant scurried to the shelf and set them down, thankful he hadn't dropped them. Looking out the window, he saw the two suns getting close to the noon hour. With a sigh, he moved towards the door but stopped, still seeing one of the apprentice mages at the main table, reading. "My Lord, you can't be in here; you must leave," the servant said as he walked quickly to the table.
The young apprentice looked up, startled. "Sorry, buy my master told me I needed to study," he answered as the servant came over. "My Lord, the bhari will be making rounds before long to ensure the building is cleared for the infusion today. "The bhari?" The apprentice gasped at the name of the stealth warriors of Nazar. "Yes, my Lord, you need to leave this building quickly," the servant pleaded.
Jumping to his feet, he said, "Thank you, kind sir." He bolted for the door in a dead run. Letting out a sigh, the servant gathered the books and scrolls the young mage left on the table, put them back on the shelves, and tidied up the library just a little more. Glancing at the window again, seeing the suns, he dropped his rag and headed for the door.
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